Trademark Renovations Ltd. Catches the Bitcoin Fever; Set to Accept BTC and ETH


Many for firms are joining the crypto revolution.Canada-based Trademark Renovations in a bid to follow the latest blockchain and crypto trends, has said it would adopt bitcoin and ethereum into its processes soon.  
The Calgary firm, Trademark Renovations Limited is a revolutionary multi-award-winning company. The Calgary luxury renovations contractor offer high-quality full home renovations, room-specific renovations such as basement developments, as well as customized home builds.
In line with the company’s policy to support innovation and new technologies, Trademark Renovations will start accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum as payment methods for its projects as from from March 1, 2018.
Owner of Trademark Renovations, Mr. Blair Foisy said:

“I am excited to bring Bitcoin and Ethereum as new payment options to our customers. We believe that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will become an important part of everyday transactions for consumers and are happy to be able to offer this new payment alternative for our services to the Calgary public.”

Trademark Renovation has always been at the frontline of innovation in the construction industry.
Trademark is excited to be the first renovation and custom build contractor to join the blockchain technology and crypto revolution just like other large corporations like which IBM, Kodak and a host of others.
Blair Foisy also said that:

“The decision to start accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum is also indicative that they and other established cryptocurrencies have now developed into more broadly accepted forms of settlement.”

The firm is sure that bitcoin and ethereum integration will help level the playing field since both cryptocurrencies are not directly tied to any fiat currency. Once digital currencies are adopted by the mainstream, it will eliminate the wild price fluctuations of building materials and logistics which is caused by the constant fluctuations of fiat currency exchange rates like USD to CAD for example.
Also, the decentralized and peer-to-peer nature of bitcoin and the ethereum altcoin would help eliminate many third parties and related markups, thereby reducing the price of goods and materials.
The adoption of virtual currencies will enable early users to become more competitive due to their ability to render services or sell products to clients at lower rates and offer customers flexible, faster and cost-efficient payment methods.
The security and efficiency of blockchain technology enhances industry and trade between countries and consumers also have a lot to gain.
Blair Foisy noted that:
“Cryptocurrencies are relatively new to some, but we at Trademark Renovations encourage the support of new technologies. I believe that the Blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution will positively affect all people and every industry including ours – and this is what we are doing right here in Calgary.”
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