Update: blockchain.info will soon start supporting Bitcoin Cash

blockchain support bitcoin cash

Blockchain.info just released a blog post yesterday on their blog, stating that they will soon start supporting BCH 8 weeks from now.

We’ve been closely monitoring Bitcoin Cash (BCH) since the hard fork on August 1st and wanted to provide a brief update to our users.

Within the next 8 weeks, we’ll be rolling out limited support for BCH via the settings panel in your Blockchain Wallet. Users with balances of bitcoin in their Blockchain Wallet on August 1st will be able to access an equal balance, as of August 1st, of bitcoin cash.

You might be wondering why they are giving limited support to BCH, but that’s because they are still working on perfecting the system and to make it more easier for users to access their bitcoin Cash with no stress or worries.

Blockchain also assured its users that their funds were fully secure

While no immediate action is necessary, rest assured that your funds are secure. Blockchain wallets are non-custodial and you hold the private keys, meaning you always have full, exclusive access to your funds — which are always accessible with your recovery phrase.

This type of developments continue to hold a good future for Bitcoin Cash, what do you think of the cryptocurrency, is it the next big thing?