Research shows that Cryptocurrency traders are prone to Addiction when done fervelently by always watching the volatile market and not even thinking of backing out when lots of money has gone down the drain, this is clearly a sign of been Addicted.
Now a Scottish facility ,Castle Craig Hospital which is the biggest addiction treatment medical centre in Scotland has opted to get Cryptocurrency Addicts out of their misery.
The Facility believes it can easily treat Crypto Addiction with same measures they use in treating gamblers who they believe have same characteristics with Cryptocurrency Traders as they both show same sign which is that of been obsessed with that thing they can’t leave even after loosing lots of money in Gambling and Trading.
Speaking with Sky News, Chris Burn, Gambling Therapist at Castle Craig Hospital said:
The high risk, fluctuating cryptocurrency market appeals to the problem gambler, It provides excitement and an escape from reality. Bitcoin, for example, has been heavily traded and huge gains and losses were made. It’s a classic bubble situation.
Trading Cryptocurrencies might or might not seem like an addiction to avid traders as they might not also want to believe they’re addicted, taking insights from frequent happenings in the crypto space, exchanges normally gets shut down by the Authorities yet traders just move on to the next exchange.
No one is really even thinking of backing out based on our independent analysis, people keep selling their belongings and family fortunes just to acquire all kinds of token, take a look at this man who sold his house because he believes bitcoin will blow up in millions in the nearest future, and also some who committed suicide after investing their life savings on various cryptocurrencies and watching it dip due to the instability and high volatility of the market.
That might or might not be an addiction based on Traders own understanding but always Trade Responsibly and don’t get too committed.