Whale Maker (WMF) Token Listed on P2PB2B Exchange

Whale Maker (WMF) Token Listed on P2PB2B Exchange

WMF can be traded on the P2PB2B exchange, and you can also get involved in the project’s community. In 45 days, you can generate passive income with an ROI of up to 18%. Here is a summary of the project in the interim.

Trading Pair: WMF/USDT.

How come WhaleMaker?

WhalerMaker makes everything simpler for both novice users and seasoned users. Don’t waste your time analyzing charts or whitepapers you don’t understand or deciding what investments to make. Neither margin trading nor liquidity mining is worth your time to learn about. We give you our expertise, which comes from years of financial industry experience, and put it to use for you.

What are the project’s goals and objectives?

Our mission is to provide the crypto community with ease of mind, including all daily newcomers. We will pick out your acquisitions and generate income for you. We only infuse in and transact in reliable projects and assets.

What services does Whale Maker provide to its users?

Whalemaker offers an annual percentage rate (APR) through staking and special potential returns on investments in cryptocurrency funds (the first two rounds returned 17,6% and 16,2% to investors in just 45 days).

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Additionally, by staking your WhaleMaker coins in a 15-day pool, you can earn a consistent staking income payable in BNB thanks to the tax levied on buy/sell transactions. By purchasing our NFTs (BRISE & BSC), you can join our staking pool and secure a spot in one of our 45 rounds. The more NFTs you purchase, the higher the multiplier and, consequently, the returns you will receive from the Fund’s earnings.

Enjoy your trading, and don’t forget to follow the project on social media: Whale Maker has already been listed on the P2PB2B exchange.