ProSeed Emerging as a Launchpad for Crypto & Tech Startups

ProSeed to Focus on APAC to Unite Top Projects and Investors

Development of the cryptosphere is significantly characterized by the increasing number of events, meetups, and programs mushrooming across the globe. However, the redundancy of ideas and sequence in these events leave little for imagination and renders the mass enthusiasm parched all the same.

The need of the hour is a proactive force that accelerates the pace of collective progress while also bringing a sense of accomplishment at the individual level. ‘ProSeed’ is a robust lineup of events that aims to do just that with its unique and upcoming Asia Roadshow!

Carrying forward its cause of amplifying the decentralized reordering, ProSeed has queued up events at a number of Asian Crypto magnet cities including Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, and Bangkok. The Asia Roadshow is an elaborate arrangement for investors, venture capitalists, startups, media personnel, thought leaders, and innovators to come together.

It is for key stakeholders to experience an unconference-style meetup. All this with the core objective of long-term value creation in the crypto space. Apart from the pitches and other programs rudimentary to traditional crypto events, ProSeed has introduced an all-new matchmaking technique to connect potential startups with prospective stakeholders through its one-on-one engagement.

“We are not trying to offer the old school meetings or conferences. We are creating an environment instead. A setup where startups, investors, enthusiasts, and everyone under the crypto sun can gather, experiment, and find themselves a place befitting,” a ProSeed founding team member explained.

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The efforts are positively bearing fruits as per the overwhelming response that the 20th June to-be-held event at Singapore is receiving. Following the enthusiasm, the team has decided to prepone its Hong Kong event initially scheduled on 25th July closer by a month to 19th June.

The Asia-Pacific region is rapidly emerging as a growing and readily embracing space for cryptocurrency. Hence, the interest among crypto liveware to draw power from the surge is immense. Following the events scheduled on Asian lands, ProSeed eventually plans to branch out worldwide upholding the novel idea of virtual currency dealings with real morals.

Check out the ProSeed Official Website to learn more.