Native Token PACT releases on P2PB2B

Native Token PACT releases on P2PB2B

P2PB2B exchange launches its own PACT token and will be granting it to the community from January 19.

To have their own state within the crypto world is the PACT creators’ goal. The token holders will not only have their advantages but will also participate in a system with wide opportunities for trading, task completion, and inviting new users, with ways to grow and earn new benefits. While other exchange tokens are passively kept in wallets and have concrete functions, PACT gives you freedom of action.

Detailed information

At the first stage of release, users will be granted tokens for joining the exchange and referral actions. Each new user will receive 100 PACTs and 50 more PACTs per referral. The bonuses can be unlocked by completing special exchange tasks (for business clients the tokens will be already unblocked on a promotional basis). 

At the second stage, by paying for exchange services, projects will receive a cashback in PACT tokens. All the PACT holders will have a discount on the trading fee. Also, it will be possible to pay the trading fee with tokens and use stacking—a 180-day deposit with weekly interest. Stacking activity will influence interest growth in earnings with fixed and floating rates. P2PB2B‌ plans to start DEX exchange with PACT farming. 

There will be more and more improvements going forward. At the third stage starting from April, PACT will be introduced to trading. The exchange will issue exclusive coins. There will be more holder activities from our partners. Achievement and collectible NFT-tokens will be introduced. And so on.

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With the release date on January 19, the exchange wants to engage projects in using the tokens immediately. They will be unlocked and ready to use. From April, it will be possible to use them to pay for additional services on P2PB2B.

A continuous chain of actions

The PACT holder community will be continuously growing with more opportunities and services appearing along the way—and that’s the point.

  • You can actively participate in trading and use discounts on the trading fee.
  • You can make money with increased interest rates.
  • You can participate in activities and use exclusive opportunities to unblock bonuses.
  • You can combine your actions and build a complex strategy.
  • Finally, you can pass your privileges to another user anytime.

The exchange will introduce more opportunities for the PACT holders and soon will give more details on each of them.