KICK.IO: The Journey So Far

KICK.IO: The Journey So Far

KICK.IO has plans to bring new and innovative developments to the crypto space. In view of this, the Cardano-based project has made progress in its roadmap which reaches into the coming year. The following are some milestones recorded so far in the roadmap.

Introducing cross-chain bridges

Cross-chain bridges take blockchain technology beyond the reputation of quick and secure transactions to blockchain interoperability. This is the ability to use projects and digital assets on several different blockchains.

KICK.IO is expanding beyond Cardano to other blockchains as it believes interoperability is the future. Its base remains Cardano however, but implementing cross-chain solutions will bring it closer to reaching its goals faster.

Also in line with its mission to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to launch projects, vote, and be a part of the KICK.IO endorsement system, it is pertinent that the project operates on many blockchains. 

Apart from enabling a more unified and diverse ecosystem, this will empower the project to better accommodate changing needs and improve existing ways of communication and transfer processes between blockchains.

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Website update and a new endorsement system in 2022 Q2

Apart from the introduction of cross-chain bridges, KICK.IO is also working on updating its website and upgrading its new endorsement system in Q2 2022. This implies UX/UI updates, a new 5 Tier endorsement system, and a listing of KICK tokens in a centralized exchange to enable trading tokens right on KICK.IO.

The website upgrade is aimed at making it easier to navigate and also project the project’s brand while the 5-tier endorsement system will consolidate KICK.IO’s policy of giving everyone an equal opportunity to buy into projects regardless of their monetary contribution. Users will henceforth enjoy a 7.5% reward rate instead of the former 5% reward rate. This will increase their payout by 30% regardless of the tier they choose. 

KICK.IO to build cross-chain bridges in 2022 Q3

KICK.IO will be introducing cross-chain support that will include ERC20, BSC, and Polygon in Q3 2022. This will be in addition to the completion of the website update. Another key milestone will be the swap integration which will allow users to swap different tokens and coins on KICK.IO. This will make it a more unifying platform and make the process simpler and save time.

2022 Q4 – platform decentralization

KICK.IO intends to completely decentralize its platform as well as implement the voting system in Q4 of 2022. Users will then be able to vote on which new projects should be included on the platform. 

Cardano Light DEX implementation in 2023 Q1

Lastly, changes to the Cardano blockchain will bring Light DEX implementation in Q1 2023. By doing this, users will be able to trade tokens. There is a lot more to come, so stay tuned.