The Exohood team has launched its unique and frictionless trading platform, which helps users discover and directly interact with each other with NFTs available on public blockchains. In Exoland, there is no custody or control over NFTs or blockchains. The user interacts directly with these assets, which is much safer since the user must use a third-party self-custody wallet such as the Coinbase wallet to store or transfer your assets.
Exoland has developed a verification system for artists who want to publish their assets for sale. This mechanism was designed to avoid scams or plagiarism of works by other artists and thus create an additional secure digital gallery. To create your NFT, you must fill out the verification form where you will provide information about your social networks, email, and a link if you have already created an NFT on another platform. Once the profile is verified and approved, NFTs can be created for free on the Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon networks, and the creator will only pay the deploy fee and royalty once their NFT is sold, which is an excellent opportunity for artists without having to pay huge fees and freely publishing their entire NFT collection.
The Exoland platform has been created to be easy to use and thus reach all users, an Ecommerce has been integrated, the usual in any online store with a shopping cart, which the user will quickly identify with Exoland. The process is quite simple. With just one click, you will be able to buy, sell and auction NFTs, initially in crypto, but the idea is to integrate payments in FIAT so that the user who does not have crypto can start their adoption path FIAT-TO-NFT. The Exoland platform will also offer an Escrow service between the artist and the buyer; since the NFTs will not be stored on the platform but directly in the seller’s wallet, the escrow will give greater security to the buyer since the payment will not be released until the transaction is recorded in the blockchain and received by the buyer.
Another advantage of using Exoland is that streaming auctions will be held, buyers will be able to interact with the artist, and live NFT art will also be created. For example, you will be able to see the artist draw their art in real-time, and you will be able to bid for it, which is a newness that hasn’t been introduced on other platforms. In Exoland you will have real verified artists, which will make the gallery much more secure and exclusive.
Exoland will revolve around an ecosystem of interoperability where assets, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), can be moved and used as utility, for example, between the worlds of the ExoUniverse and Exohood’s metaverse project. Where Exoland will play a primary role in the world of the metaverse, as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) will allow people to fully own digital assets, meaning each ExoUniverse participant will need their own avatars, which will be created and sold by Exoland.
In addition, they will be able to open and own their personalized properties, for example, a sneaker store, where the user can create their sneakers and users can buy them, and their avatars use them. Another example can be a house to receive friends, an event room, a restaurant, a nightclub, a hotel or a casino, the virtual real estate business, and these agencies will be managed by Exoland. As you can see, the possibilities are endless.
This ecosystem could easily create an entire economy, not just in real estate but also in commerce, entertainment, and education. Avatars could visit Exoland’s art gallery and purchase the art sold there; tourists from other Metaverses can visit the ExoUniverse and sell or trade their NFT assets. All this will be possible with the Exoland platform’s integration and the ExoUniverse ecosystem. The Exohood team is working on developing each utility before entering the development of its metaverse since all these utilities must go together and be compatible with the metaverse ecosystem.
Another great feature is that the blockchain Exohood develops for its projects will be a starting point for Exoland, the technology will have a high level of security and compatibility with all the platforms Exohood develops, and these must be elastic for the entire expansion. This is why it will lead to blockchain technology, as it is the perfect solution with immutability, decentralization, and scalability. Therefore Exoland will be able to run on a blockchain that supports DApps and on-chain compatibility like Ethereum. However, the blockchain that is developing using Exohood will have much greater scalability and speed and encourage a low carbon footprint.
As well as having a financial advantage of the Exoland platform is that a decentralized contract issuance protocol will be established to execute investment contracts in the future, to establish an issuance and offer of NFTs that will grant the content creator flexible access to financing. Thus investors and stakeholders will enjoy more suitable liquidity in a blockchain-optimized market. At Exoland we are working on an intermediate market that will act as a bridge between the primary and secondary private capital markets and establish an ecosystem with liquidity and trust connecting the contractual utility of NFTs. The real potential of an NFT is to focus on its combination with decentralized finance and the future of blockchain technology.
What is Exohood’s Protocol?
Exohood is a noncustodial automated protocol that generates value for the decentralized finance ecosystem through services and solutions that help accelerate the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies.
The enthusiasts for Exohood are already beginning to bear fruit, a year after its launch, it is starting to arouse interest from venture capital and public figures. Such as the Japanese soccer player Kazuki Takahashi, a player of the Bulgarian club Pirin Blagoevgrad, is a crypto and NFT enthusiast, put his interest in Exohood, saying that “I have looked your website and project it seems really cool and I can see many more to come in near future, I would be really interested to be a part of this project”. Exohood is beginning to open up a space in the market, and value and credibility are given by the work done by the development team, which, far from a marketing campaign, has focused on developing a great product that works and is safe. Exohood has successfully passed security audits, and the valuation of its development which, according to is $3M on April 2022.
Company Name: Exohood
Country: United Kingdom