Comparing Best Bitcoin Debit Cards For 2020

Comparing Best Debit Сards for Bitcoin 2020

Over the past year, the popularity of Bitcoin among investors has increased significantly.

Now people are ready to spend their coins on utilities and products. Although several shops and companies accept Bitcoin, it is still not easy to find places to pay with cryptocurrency.

You will be lucky if you find one, otherwise, you will need to sell the coin on the Hiribi exchange, get fiat currency in your bank account and then spend it.

But there are several startups that are working to solve this problem by presenting us bitcoin debit cards.

Are you surprised?

Bitcoin debit cards allow you to instantly spend coins anywhere.


First of all, let’s find out how these cards work.

How does a Bitcoin debit card work

Suppose you want to buy something with bitcoin, but the seller accepts only fiat currency (cards/cash money) or you don’t have fiat but only bitcoins. This is where you will need the debit cards.

You need to deposit the bitcoins in your wallet and in return, you will get a card with a similar balance that you can use to buy goods and services.

We hope you’ve understood the concept of these cards. They’re like our regular debit cards, but instead of the fiats, they have bitcoins on them.

Since there are different bitcoin debit cards, we will study and compare them so that you can choose the best one according to your requirements.

The best bitcoin debit card

We used the BTC debit card only once, but we did a complete study, compared them by different factors and then chose one for ourselves.

In our opinion, before choosing a card, you should evaluate it according to the following parameters.


  • It must support various fiat currencies such as USD, EUR, CYN, etc.
  • Does the service have a mobile application for instant deposits?
  • Does the service require verification?
  • Do you get a virtual card or not?
  • Do you get a physical card or not?
  • What type of card will you get (Visa/Master)?
  • Charges and other fees?
  • Can I trust the company?
  • Is the card available in your country?

Now let’s look at a few options in more detail.

Cryptopay Bitcoin debit card

Founded in 2013, Cryptopay has gained huge user popularity in a very short period of time.

Cryptopay provides both virtual and physical debit cards. The physical card costs $15 per issuance and is delivered free of charge for 3-8 days.

It does not require verification, but you need an email. If you want to conduct anonymous transactions, this service is for you.

You will receive a Visa Debit card and it is accepted worldwide (like all other Visa cards).


  • Currency support – USD, EUR, GBP.
  • Verification is required – no.
  • Mobile application – yes.
  • Virtual card – yes.
  • Plastic card – yes.
  • Cost – $ 15.

Bitpain Bitcoin debit card

Bitpay is a very famous company, which provides bitcoin cards at very low rates.

Originally this card was available only for US citizens, but now you can buy it in other countries as well. Use it both online and offline, as well as via ATM, although there is a 2-3% transaction fee.

You will be charged $9.95 and $5 per month as a service charge for the card issuance.

Verification depends on the country in which you live. Bitpay has a limit of $25,000, which is the highest among all BTC debit cards.


  • Currency support – US dollar.
  • Verification required – yes.
  • Mobile application – yes.
  • Virtual card – yes.
  • Plastic card – yes.
  • Cost – $ 9.95.

Wireco Bitcoin debit card overview

Wirex is a well-known company that provides virtually as well as physical debit cards for bitcoin.

The service was previously known as coins but was renamed Wirex in 2016.

To get the card, you must complete the verification process. Once verified, you can download the card using the mobile app or from a website.

You will get a Chip & Pin card, which is obviously better than the other cards, but the cost is also higher – $17.


  • Currency support – USD, EUR, GBP.
  • Verification is required – no.
  • Mobile application – yes.
  • Virtual card – yes.
  • Plastic card – yes.
  • Cost – $ 17.

Which bitcoin card to choose

Many new companies come up with good deals, but you have to choose which ones are right for you.

You should be sure to take into account issuance fees, maintenance costs, etc.